Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Exploring the Creative Mind

Participants focus deeply on the significance of the object.
Photo by: Brittany Watson
 On Wednesday, February 9th, Avila University and Steven Fischer held the Secrets of Success: The Nature of Creativity workshop. This all day workshop was an interactive way of exploring one’s full creative potential. During my class period, I got the chance to sit in and observe the workshop. At the time, five different interactive stations were beginning, which challenged the imagination, mind, and creative abilities of students participating.  Each station allowed only five minutes of work, which made it more challenging for the students.

Avila University students pondering over the
creative approach to their assignment.
Photo by: Brittany Watson
The first station was “Words to Thoughts.” It explored the idea of creating a sentence using a select few words. The second station was “Different Expressions.” This station challenged the mind by demanding several different ways one could write the number eight. The third station, “Brick in the Middle of the Table," demanded all the possible ways you could use a brick. The fourth station, “Paper With a Squiggle” challenged students to create something from a simple squiggle drawn on a sheet of paper. The final station, "Black Out Poem,” allowed students to express their thoughts by blacking out random words in a newspaper clip.
The Secrets of Success: The Nature of Creativity workshop was a success. The workshop allowed students to engage each other, as well as learn and develop new strengths. It challenged each student to see from a different angle.
 In the footage below, I talk with Avila University Student, Kara Koehler, about her experience at the workshop.

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